1 min readDec 8, 2021



That’s how I feel today. I can’t say I feel that way everyday, but today in particular, the feeling of loneliness is overwhelming. And a part of me wants to sink into that hole deeper and deeper hoping it will lead to self dependence.

I just don’t feel like anybody really knows or gets me. I’m not inclined to talk about myself so often. I do like people to show interest in my life. But that hardly happens really. I’m left wondering what my place is.

I want wholesome friendships that fill me with so much love and certainty. Friendships where the loyalty is never in question. Just love and honesty with one another.

I love being a safe space for people. It genuinely makes me happy to know people can confide in me and I’ll always be there for them.

I think God knew I might struggle in the friendship department so I was given great family. Otherwise, I really don’t know how I’d cope.

I feel lonely.

